SK6812 4020 (Neopixel) Main technical characteristics:
Supply voltage: 5VDC;
Power Consumption: 12mA;
Size: 4020;
Operating frequency: 800Hz;
The maximum distance between the LEDs: 10m.
These Nano (2.4mm x 2.7mm) RGB LEDs are half the size of mini 3535-sized NeoPixels and a quarter of the size of standard 5050mm NeoPixels you may be used to seeing. They're the most compact way possible to integrate multiple bright LEDs to a design. The driver chip is inside the LED and has a constant current drive so the color will be very consistent even if the voltage varies, and no external choke resistors.
Nom. number | 9000540582 |
Manufacturer | Shenzhen Shining Opto-Electronic Co., Ltd. |
Weight g | 1 |
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